Contact Us: 772-287-1088

Industry Exploration

For adult jobseekers. Explore employment opportunities with various industries! Experience behind-the-scenes tours of businesses ready to hire you, train you, and invest in you. This is an opportunity to see first-hand what it’s like to be a welder, fabricator, warehouse manager, boat builder and more. Transportation is provided by Career Connect Martin.

To participate, call 772-287-1088 x103.

Training & Education

Get ready to sharpen your skills and add essential tools to your toolbox with hundreds of courses available at a …

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Passport to Careers

The purpose of Passport to Careers is to not only shower teachers with appreciation but to provide an interactive way …

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Explore My Future

“Explore My Future,” is an event where 8th grade students are introduced to various Career Technical Education (CTE) programs offered …

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