Contact Us: 772-287-1088

Job Seekers

Road to Success

We help you with the Competencies, Confidence, & Connects to land a new Career!
Here’s how we help…

  • About Step-Up Training:
    Our Career Coaches are here to work with you in a one-on-one setting to assess your strength, provide training and connect you to the right job based on your goals. Client education includes soft skill fundamentals, resume writing, mock interviewing, one-on-one coaching for success, worksite hard skills. Job placement is the primary outcome. Due to our unique and trusted relationship with employers, we can effectively advocate for job seekers, help them network with, and market themselves to employers. The popular adage, “It’s who you know, not what you know,” is important in professional environments where the right connections can make all the difference in the world. Career Connect Martin doubles down on this old saying by addressing both the “what” and “who” our participants know.
  • About Trial Employment Opportunities (TEO):
    TEO provide upskilling and workplace learning. Positions start at $15 per hour in a wide range of industry positions: Clerical, Construction Trades, Manufacturing, Distribution, Marine, Aviation & Aerospace, Clean/Green & Agriculture, Automotive/Transportation, Information Technology and more. TEO removes barriers to learning new skills for a new career:
    • • Trial Employment is 120 hours of on-the-job training.
    • • Completers receive 136+ hours of new and marketable skills for your resume.
    • • Completers may have an opportunity to apply for a full-time position with worksite.
  • About Career Exploration
    Exposure to new types of careers is a vital part of professional development. With more education and exposure to new types of careers, our clients are networking, expanding their portfolios, and determining the best fit for their future.
  • Apply Today!
    Click the Application Link Below!